Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23rd 2008 - Today's Columns:

Michael Medved on John McCain. - I couldn't finish reading this press release from the campaign without wretching.

John Stossel on freedom. - More of the same from Stossel. Not bad but nothing earth shattering.

Walter Williams on subprime mortgage bailouts. - An excellent look at the history of subprime lending and how government is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Tom Sowell on income demagoguery. - It is stunning how willfully ignorant people can be about economic issues. Sowell, in typical fashion, makes it simple.

Tony Blankley on the current campaign.

Like most Republican regulars, I have been much put out by McCain during the past decade, but I could support him with a serviceable enthusiasm against the appalling Hillary.

Ann Coulter on my current favorite whipping boy John McCain.

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