Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So long Fred

(Please forgive the tardiness of this post. It would have been more timely except Fred dropped out of the race yesterday and I created this blog today.)

Sadly Fred Thompson has exited the race for the Republican nomination for President. He was the best conservative in the race even if he was the worst candidate (by contemporary standards). No one can question his conservative bona fides in the way one can with any of the remaining candidates.

Fred won me over last year with his series of articles published on Townhall in which he thoughtfully articulated his political philosophy. This matters more to me than any campaign white papers or debate performance. Once you know a candidate's political philosophy you can know what drives his decision-making and where he will fall out on issues as they come up. Where he stands today is not as important as where he will stand in the future.

It's too bad that the voters didn't appreciate Fred. He represented the opposite of the pandering identity politics we get from most of the others. He will be missed.

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